
This Makes Me Happy


And now it lives in my crafting room.

I found it here in Tacoma, at an antique shop downtown. It's from the 1940's and I like trying to imagine the flower shop where it once hung, the hands that made the corsages and the occasions they were for.


laurie -magpie ethel said...

That would make me happy too! Great find!!!

Amanda Lee said...

Me too! It also makes me a bit jealous...

Tiff said...

This is AWESOME!!!! Are we still on for meeting up this Sunday or are ya busy? I can also make a trip sometime next week! LMK!

Laurie Cinotto said...

Thanks, ladies!

Yes, Tiff! We're on!

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

What a cool sign! I bet it makes a snazzy decoration for your crafting room.

Chroma Lab said...

Made for you!

Lisa of Lisa's Little House said...

I am happy knowing that it is in its rightful place...your studio!
Fabulous Find!

Anonymous said...

That is indeed a swell find.

Anonymous said...

Stores like this are hard to find nowadays, great find! XD

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Jay said...


Buy cialis said...

What a cool sign! I bet it makes a snazzy decoration for your crafting room. I am happy knowing that it is in its rightful place...your studio!
Fabulous Find!